Roulette & Casino Royale
Between 1967 and 1989 roulette sessions were regularly held in the club. These sessions were very popular and attracted a lot of new members to the club. Originally these sessions were run by the club. But heavy losses incurred made it advisable for the club to tender out these sessions to members to operate. Government strict regulations eventually put an end to these gambling sessions.
Jackpot Machines
The proposal of installing fruit machines in the club was first mooted in June 1968. But obtaining the necessary approval from the authorities took a long time to ascertain and to obtain. Finally with the necessary approval in hand the club obtained a loan of $30,000 from the Chartered Bank to finance the purchase of 2 slot machines. By June 1979 these slot machines were finally installed in the club and after 2l days operation the club realised a nett profit of $3,200 being 40% turnover. Committee members were to manage the machines on a rotation basis. Some losses were incurred. ln l98l the management of the slot machines was contracted out and since then the club never looked back. The slot machines proved over the years the most important source of income to the club.