Clubhouse & Land.

As per instruction of the Governor, the Railway House on a small hill, held under Jesselton Suburbon Grant No. 9, was given to the club as a clubhouse. As the said lease covered other railway facilities, it was subsequently surrendered and a new title Lease No. 1556 covering four acres and six perches was issued to the club to hold from 21 October 1903 for a term of 999 years. The Lease contained the following special clauses-

H.E. Governor to be ex-officio President of the club and member of committee. European non-members of the club to be eligible for election as playing members in all or any out of door games under the management of the club on the land hereby leased in Accordance with regulations passed by the club. The Lessees shall not without written permission from the Government transfer the land or any portion thereof hereby demised, or use it for any purpose other than a European Social Club and Recreation ground.

The Government continued the reclamation of the recreation ground in accordance with the original intention of Governor E.W. Birch. On completion the club under its rules would elect a committee ‘who shall from time to time frame rules for the management of the various games, the maintenance of the ground, the payment of expenses the subscriptions to be paid by individuals or subsidiary clubs, and other necessary matters. All such rules shall be subject to confirmation by the Governor. (The Club) shall not transfer or charge the land hereby demised without written permission from the Governor.

With the clubhouse on a small hill, the idea was for the club to promote all popular outdoor sports and games on the recreation ground below, where even non-members could participate. The recreation ground formed a natural arena with raised ground on three sides where spectators could assemble to watch the games and matches below.

During the initial years, the clubhouse was used on an as was and where was basis. ln 1906, a number of alterations were made to the building which included re-roofing with new attap. In late 1907, the Governor himself personally supervised further improvements to the grounds of the club by the construction of a road to it with an entrance on the north side and added a covered verandah to the building. A telephone was installed at the club on 16 June 1910. Further alterations were made in 1911, which included many structural improvements and a flight of concrete steps. The next round of major renovation to the clubhouse was done after 1920.